How do Americans view the military war with Iran?

According to an opinion poll conducted by The Hill and Harris X, the recent escalating tension between the US and Iran, in which more than 1,000 people were interviewed. In response to a question, what should Washington's response be to Iran's "hostility" recently, 19 percent agreed to launch a limited military operation against Iran, while 5 percent called for a war against it. 49% of the respondents expressed their desire to resolve the tension between the two countries through reconciliation, and 9% saw it would not be necessary to respond that Iran downing  an US drone aircraft, and 18% of respondents did not resolve in response to the question, what should be the US response to Iran ? In a related context, the survey revealed that a small number of members of the Republican Party of America support military action against Iran, according to the poll 50% of the Republicans supported participating in for non-US military response to Iran, and 31% of them support limited air raids on some of the Iranian regions. In this poll, the percentage of supporters of military action against Iran among the participants of independent parties in America was about 31%, and this percentage among Democrats was approximately 16%. With regard to the IRGC air force's dropping of the American spy plane that violated Iranian territorial waters, 67% of the Democrats also said that they believe that the handling of this incident should be either by negotiating with Iran or by America's reaction to not respond at all. In the same context, 54% of Americans belonging to independent parties also voted to negotiate with Iran or not to show any reaction to the issue of dropping a US spy plane in Iranian territorial waters. Earlier on Monday, US President Donald Trump announced that he had signed an executive order aimed at Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and his aides with financial sanctions. These developments come under a visit by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Mike Pompoe, to Saudi Arabia and later to the UAE for talks on the Iran crisis and the formation of a "strategic alliance" to meet its threats. The region is experiencing increasing tension from the US and Gulf countries on the one hand, and Iran on the other, especially last week after Iran dropped a US military aircraft. In a related context, several news sources reported that the US government has stepped up in recent weeks of tensions in the region through the launch of several rounds of new sanctions against Tehran, in an attempt to tarnish Iranian oil exports. The US Department of Defense has also deployed military forces in the West Asia region, raising the concern of many countries in the region, and in the latest provocative action by America, White House leaders blamed Iran and said it blew up oil tankers in the Sea of Oman, A few days ago the US sent a spy plane to the Iranian territorial waters, and in response to this action, the air defense systems of the Islamic Republic of Iran shot down the plane after sending several warnings.  

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