Why will Syria not sacrifice its relations with Iran in order to return to Arab League?

On the subject of Iran, Syrian ChargĂ© d'affaires in Jordan Ayman Alloush answered the nature of the relationship with Tehran, who told the Russian news agency Sputnik that Syria would not sacrifice its relations with Iran in exchange for returning to its seat in the Arab League. He added: "We have documented our relations with Iran after the victory of the revolution because of its honorable positions on the Palestinian cause, and documented these relations with Iran's stand with Syria during the war." He asked: "How can we sacrifice those who stand with Syria and the Arabs in favor of the regimes that conspired against Syria and go to establish relations with the occupier and consider him a righteous friend, while those who stand against this occupier are considered an enemy." He continued: "Even the Arab League deserves its name, it must return to its constants in the Arab national security and previous attitudes toward the Zionist occupier. Syria is not important to return to the Arab League, but its role in the restoration of the university to represent the will of their people." Asked about the upcoming exchange of ambassadors between Jordan and Syria, he said: "Syria has nothing to prevent the exchange of ambassadors at any time." He continued: "The Syrian side has repeatedly welcome Syria with the participation of Jordan in the reconstruction. And has decided that Jordan is good for Syria, and Jordan as Palestine and Lebanon is an extension of the geography and culture that the occupier attacked with Sykes-Picot and the Balfour Declaration." Why would Syria not return to the league except under the conditions and circumstances that the Syrian ChargĂ© d'affaires in Jordan and other Syrian officials spoke about? First: we must not deny that some Arab countries have honorable positions towards Syria, especially Lebanon and Iraq. We all mention the words of Iraqi Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari regarding Syria's return to the Arab League and its defense of its return and its demand to freeze Syria's suspension in the Arab League. But the rest of the members do not share Dr. Jafari's Syria’s return to the Arab leauge, and Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit saw the time as inappropriate. We do not know what Abul-Gheit meant by the time that he said it was not appropriate. Do you expect the members to wait to know who will emerge victorious in the Syrian war and on this basis to accept or refuse, but since the balance is in favor of the Syrian government that fought terrorism with the help of Iran and Russia, will not return so simple even if Abul Gheit has shown the doors, Syria will not simply forgive countries that have supported terrorism and contributed to the destruction of Syrian lives. Second: Syria will think a lot before returning to the Arab League, because it will ask itself many questions before taking this step, such as, what are the common objectives that will be collected with the rest of the members, Can Syria participate those countries that participated in the "workshop Bahrain" and conspired On the Palestinian people, and turned its back on the issues of the nation. Third: Is Iran the one who rushing to normalize with "Israel"? Or some Arab regimes that are eager to carry out what Donald Trump is asking for. He is cutting the funding of the Palestinian organizations and contributing to the liquidation of the Palestinian cause. Will Syria return to the Arab League to witness the massacre of the Palestinian cause? Syria will not do so. And will remain on the path of resistance that has driven the tax of belonging and faith over the past eight years. Fourth: This league was the main reason for what is happening in Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Sudan and Yemen, How can Syria be a partner in destabilizing its Arab brethren? How can Syria forget the meeting of Arab ministers to punish the Syrian media? As we saw two days ago, the Israeli journalists are relieved and relaxed and lift their Israeli passports in front of the camera lenses in Bahrain. Is this the league to which Syria will return? Syria has overcome injustice and terrorism and is approaching the declaration of its victory over all those who contributed to its destruction, thus the victor is the one who says his word. The word Syria will be heavy on the members of the Arab League because it will carry the suffering of the Syrian people and the stories of their displacement and the closure of doors in their face by some Arab countries and the expulsion of Syrian immigrants from Arab countries only because they have Syrian nationality. Within this mess, Iran has been sending hundreds of shipments loaded with oil and medicine, and…. To ease the suffering of the Syrians in their difficult times, why did not the Arabs do it when Iran did? Why did not the Gulf countries receive students of science and outstanding students from Syrian universities to complete their studies, while Iran was receiving hundreds of them, within its difficult economic circumstances?.  

from Islam Times - Latest News Syria :: Full Edition https://ift.tt/2Xn6hMI
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