Sayyed Nasrallah: Resistance at Its Height, US Administration Blocking Investments in Lebanon

In a televised speech during Hezbollah ceremony marking Martyr’s Day, Sayyed Nasrallah said that the party selected November 11 to celebrate the occasion because coincides with the anniversary of the martyrdom bombing operation carried out by martyr Ahmad Kassir who detonated the headquarters of the Israeli military command in southern Lebanon in 1982. “It was a historic operation which obliged Isaac Sharon to humiliatingly stand on the debris of the destroyed building and ‘Israel’ to announce public mourning due to the horrors resulting from the operation.” Sayyed Nasrallah added that because the operation claimed more than 100 Israeli officers and soldiers, Hezbollah chose its anniversary to be all the Resistance Marty’s Day. Sayyed Nasrallah said our martyrs did not seek materialistic gains, but fought for the sake of God, adding that the enemies think that they were a group of mercenaries as those they employ. “Our martyrs got the Islamic values from Prophet Muhammad (P) and obtained the needed character to defend their nation.” “Our martyrs led the Resistance followers as they made the most expensive sacrifice.” Sayyed Nasrallah reiterated that the martyrs have granted Lebanon victories of the liberation of the land (2000) and the prisoners (except some files), overcoming the Israeli and takfiri enemies, and obliging the Zionist leaders to stop viewing Lebanon as an easy-to-be-invaded country. Hezbollah leader noted that the lebanese economic crisis is caused by the dependence on the money-borrowing policy while neglecting the productive sectors, adding that the US administration prevents the Chinese firms from running investments in Lebanon. “What I know is that Washington has prevented China from running investments in Lebanon and even blocked the commercial ties between China and the Zionist entity.” Sayyed Nasrallah wondered why Lebanon should reject the Chinese investments and in line with the US pressures, noting that Syria, which does not welcome the US influence, has been hosting China’s reconstruction projects. “Chinese firms are ready to invest in Lebanon through bids. Why does not the Lebanese government allow Iranian Russian investments and participate in the reconstruction projects in Syria?” Sayyed Nasrallah noted that Lebanon will witness economic progress for dozens of years if it participates in the reconstruction projects in Syria, pointing out that some Arab states and organizations wanted to be part of this process, but that Washington prevented them. Sayyed Nasrallah added that Lebanon’s security situation is much better than that in the United States, adding that the US sanctions harm the Lebanese people and banks, not Hezbollah. “We have told you that our funds are not in Lebanon, and Hezbollah has admonished the Lebanese banks, while the Americans terrorize them. The Americans also pressure the expatriates to reduce their financial aids to their relatives in Lebanon.” Sayyed Nasrallah also called for activating the agricultural and industrial sectors in Lebanon, adding that Iraqi market can intake all the Lebanese production and highlighting economic importance of this issue for it creates a large number of job opportunities. “Claims that missiles will be sent to Hezbollah via the Albu Kamal border crossing are baseless. We have an overload of missiles in Lebanon, and we don’t know where to store them.” Hezbollah SG pointed out that the Lebanese government must send a delegation to negotiate with the Syrian authorities to obtain tariffs facilities and tax reductions, adding that Lebanon can benefit from this economic lifeline with Iraq, without getting more loans. “When we say that we need a sovereign government, we mean that it rejects the US orders and follows the national interests. The Americans are ti be blamed for impeding the economic process in Lebanon, and the Lebanese official are expected to hold their responsibilities.” Sayyed Nasrallah cited the US Secretary Mike Pompeo’s statements about helping the Lebanese to get rid of the Iranian influence, wondering where this influence on Lebanon appears. “The insolent statements of Pompeo mean the Resistance. The Americans want Lebanon to get rid of the Resistance.” Sayyed Nasrallah called on the Lebanese people to preserve their unity, adding that the Resistance supporters are concerned with having awareness, understanding, and insight. On the latest developments in Lebanon, Sayyed Nasrallah avoided tackling the details of the creation of a new government, attributing that to the ongoing contacts which contribute to this target. Sayyed Nasrallah noted that although not all the demands raised by the protesters in Lebanon are unanimous, all of them agree on coping with corruption and restoring the public funds, adding that Hezbollah would like to benefit from the public movement which has prevented all parties from protecting the corrupts. His eminence added that Hezbollah has opened the anti-corruption file, but that its tools are different from those used in the resistance military operations, considering that coping with corruption requires impartial and honest judiciary, jails and mechanisms to restore the stolen money which may be smuggled abroad. Sayyed Nasrallah noted that Hezbollah and Amal Movement parliamentary blocs have submitted a draft law to lift impunity of their members and ministers since 1992, calling on the judiciary to start trying Hezbollah ministers and deputies. “I, as Hezbollah SG, pledge to lift the impunity of any of Hezbollah officials if condemned.” “Like the collaborators (with ‘Israel’), corrupts have no religion or sect.” On the Yemeni developments, Hezbollah leader hailed the stance made by the Head of Yemen’s Ansarullah movement Sayyed Abdul Malik Al-Houthi, regarding the confrontation with the Zionist enemy, adding that all the regional people and resistance followers must stop at that stance as the Israeli enemy has done. The importance of Sayyed Houthi threat to strikingly respond to any Israeli attack lies in that it comes from a leader of being a front which has been facing the Saudi-led aggression for five years, according to Sayyed Nasrallah who added that the Yemeni forces have gained a great defensive military power, and this reinforces the axis-of-resistance in the entire region. Sayyed Nasrallah highlighted that this threat comes from a leader whose fighters are achieving victories one wide fronts, adding that the Israeli enemy takes it seriously because it is heralded by a credible commander who can carry out his threats. Sayyed Nasrallah called on the regional people to be proud of this announcement, adding in face of the Israeli enemy the axis of resistance relies on its education and faith, not on the financial capabilities. Sayyed Nasrallah also hailed the Yemeni crowds who attended Sayyed Houthi speech which marked Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday under the sunlight and for a long time, adding that this shows their love to the Messenger and sends a great political message to the aggression forces. “Despite the five-year war, blockade and all the resulting atrocities, the Yemenis told the world tyrants that they may never abandon their Islamic culture and resistance for the sake of materialistic gains.” Hezbollah SG stressed that the possibility of any US war on Iran has almost vanished, adding that President Donald Trump cares only for oil and money and highlighting some Gulf states’ rhetorical change in addressing Tehran which has steadfastly faced the US pressures. Trump abandoned allies in northern Syria and kept a military presence which secures his control of the oil fields there, according to Sayyed Nasrallah who added the axis of resistance has emerged strong and victorious.

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