Valentine’s Day buying guide in Saudi Arabia: What she wants, what he wants

Thu, 2020-02-13 01:36

High-tech toys or teddy bears? Red roses or trainers? Changing attitudes in Saudi Arabia mean gift-giving has never been easier. But with a dazzling range of choices on offer, many Saudis’ preferences may surprise ... 


“A weekend away from the kids. Just sending the kids to my parents’ house and being able to spend time alone with my husband at home would be amazing.” — Sarah

“I just want red roses, but I want a lot of them. A ridiculous number of red roses, like the girls you see on Instagram. It’s not practical, I know, but, hey, I can dream.” — Aljohara

“Chocolates and a teddy bear, please.And if possible, I’d like to watch a romantic comedy at home. I hope my future husband enjoys 1990s movies, because that’s what he’s getting.” — Nesreen

“Kitchenware. I love pots, pans, bakeware, even Tupperware. Something I can use in the kitchen. I love my husband, but even he knows that the kitchen is my real first love.” — Dunia


“It would be nice to get a watch or a pen that’s flashy, but I would be happier with a toolkit, a new lens for my camera, or even just a gift card. It’s the thought that counts.” — Adam

“This is going to sound crazy, but I want books. I collect antique books. My mom complains that they clutter up the place, but maybe when I get married my wife will understand.” — Nasser

“I’m taking my wife to Disneyland Paris. I collaborated with a work friend of hers to get her leave. She doesn’t know a thing. It’s a surprise I know she’s going to love.” — Sultan



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